Here are some of the companies with shares expected to trade actively in Monday’s session. Stock movements noted by ticker reflect movements during regular trading hours.
Fiat Chrysler : The United Auto Workers said it has reached a tentative labor deal with the car maker.
Destination Maternity: The bankrupt retailer will shut down its remaining 235 retail stores under a deal that would see a licensing firm buy the company’s brand name and other assets for $50 million.
Disney : The company’s “Frozen 2” gobbled up the majority of box-office receipts on its way to a record-setting Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Target, Walmart : Major retailers are trying to adapt to a world where shopper behavior is changing and competition for online spending is fierce. Foot traffic to U.S. stores fell about 6.2% on Black Friday, as more people ordered online or went to stores on Thanksgiving Day, when visits increased 2.3%, according to ShopperTrak.
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