A woman is in jail after reportedly scamming a new Walmart employee into handing over a stack of cash — and she has allegedly pulled the same con before.

The 38-year-old from Thibodaux, Louisiana, was arrested Monday, two days after she allegedly walked out of a Walmart in Mobile, Alabama, after taking money from a cashier.

The thief had approached a recently hired employee, identified herself as a manager and asked for all the large bills from the cash drawer so she could do a money drop. The police did not say how much money she got.

TV station WALA looked into the suspect’s record and found she was accused of doing the same thing at Walmarts in Louisiana: in Hammond in 2018, and in St. Charles and St. Mary parishes in 2019. In the St. Mary crime, she reportedly got $3,000.

She also has a warrant for her arrest on suspicion of grand larceny in Scott County, Mississippi, but the details of that crime were not known.